
What skills do I need to produce a website?

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What skills do I need to produce a website?

So, what skills do I need to produce a website. Well with various free websites design and creation systems out there the answer may be not many skills at all. Many website hosting companies provide the client with free tools in order to produce a website very quickly from pre-built templates. However, there is always a cost to these deals. So, perhaps they will give you a domain name of your choice (if it’s not in use) some basic website hosting and tools with template driven website design. This works well for many businesses. However, you will still have to put in the time to create your website with the tools provided. Now if you then require more storage, and email address, more bandwidth, this will probably come at extra cost. There are many hosting companies out there including Wix and Shopify that will provide an initial free account, which may suit some individuals and companies, and provide the tools in order for you to build your own website. However, as your business grows and your internet needs change you may have more costs in the future as your website grows. 

The skills required to produce a website are many and can include the following:

The following list details the skills to produce a successful website. You may have these skills but do you have the time? 

1. Managerial Skills – Managerial skills are required in order to successfully identify and plan tasks in a timely manner. The creation of a plan, to include the arranging and assigning of tasks in order of priority, managing resources, creating goals and milestones, and monitoring deliverables within agreed timescales, etc.

2. Technical Skills – Technical skills such as domain name registration, web server hosting, transfer of files via FTP (File Transfer Protocol), database management, website security and other technical issues will be required.

3. Creative Skills – Creative skills such as the design and or edit of media (Graphics, Images, etc), page styles, colours, Typography, menu’s and anything else creative will be required.

4. Programming Skills – Programming skills may be required in order to create the website. Writing and editing code using languages such as HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language), PHP (Hyper Text Pre-processor), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Java (Object Oriented programming language), Javascript (Scripting programme language) and Mysql (Structured Query Language).

5. Copy Writing Skills – Copy writing skills are the skills required to enable the writer to successfully produce brand awareness and marketing textual content within the website. This content will be written in a manner that conforms to current SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) rules, assisting the website to achieve a reasonable SEO position in order for it to be readily found during internet searches.

If You have the Skills? Here is the Deal

Here at Tay IT in Perth, Scotland we can provide you with a free Domain name, free email addresses, unlimited storage space, unlimited bandwidth and your own website builder so that you can create your own website. There is of course a hosting charge annually of £70.  And if you would rather we create your website for you we can do so at a very reasonable cost.

Man Juggling Tasks

Perth, Perthshire Scotland

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